Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Site interfaces.

.. $Id$

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

logger = __import__('logging').getLogger(__name__)
from zope import interface

from import IFolder
from import ILocalSiteManager

from nti.schema.field import Number
from nti.schema.field import TextLine

[docs]class InappropriateSiteError(LookupError): """ Raised if the installed site is not suitable to work with. Currently no code in this package raises this exception. """
[docs]class SiteNotFoundError(LookupError): """ Raised if there is no valid site found. """
[docs]class SiteNotInstalledError(AssertionError): """ Raised when setting and getting a site do not work. This is most often caused by not installing the zope.component hooks. """
[docs]class IMainApplicationFolder(IFolder): """ The folder representing the application. The set of persistent components will be installed beneath this folder, and this folder will be an Site (with a site manager). This may be the same thing as the root folder. As an implementation note, though, this is typically beneath the root folder and named something application specific (e.g., "dataserver2"). """
[docs]class IHostPolicyFolder(IFolder): """ A folder that should always have a site manager, and thus is a site, representing a policy for the host name. Persistent configuration related to that host should reside in this folder. """
[docs]class IHostPolicySiteManager(ILocalSiteManager): """ A persistent local site manager that is tied to a site name. It should always have two bases, a non-persistent global IComponents configured through :mod:`z3c.baseregistry` and the persistent main dataserver site manager, in that order. This should be the site manager for an :class:`IHostPolicyFolder` """
[docs]class IHostSitesFolder(IFolder): """ A container for the sites, each of which should be an :class:`IHostPolicyFolder` """ lastSynchronized = Number(title=u"The timestamp at which this object was last synchronized .", default=0.0) lastSynchronized.setTaggedValue('_ext_excluded_out', True)
[docs]class ITransactionSiteNames(interface.Interface): """ An interface for a utility that return a list of the possible site names needed whenever transaction is run. """ def __call__(*args, **kwargs): "Return the possible site names"
[docs]class ISiteTransactionRunner(interface.Interface): """ Something that runs code within a transaction, properly setting up the ZODB, persistent site, and its environment. """ def __call__(func, retries=0, sleep=None, site_names=(), side_effect_free=False, root_folder_name='nti.dataserver'): """ Runs the function given in `func` in a transaction and application local site manager (defaulting to the current site manager). :param function func: A function of zero parameters to run. If it has a docstring, that will be used as the transactions note. A transaction will be begun before this function executes, and committed after the function completes. This function may be rerun if retries are requested, so it should be prepared for that. :keyword int retries: The number of times to retry the transaction and execution of `func` if :class:`transaction.interfaces.TransientError` is raised when committing. Defaults to zero (so the job runs once). If you specify None, an implementation-specific number of retries will be used. :keyword float sleep: If not none, then the greenlet running this function will sleep for this long between retry attempts. :keyword site_names: DEPRECATED. Sequence of strings giving the virtual host names to use. If you do not provide this argument, then the currently installed site will be maintained when the transaction is run. NOTE: The implementation of this may maintain either the site names or the actual site object. :keyword bool side_effect_free: If true (not the default), then the function is assummed to have no side effects that need to be committed; the transaction runner is free to abort/rollback or commit the transaction at its leisure. :keyword str root_folder_name: This names the folder that can be found in the root of the ZODB that will serve as the starting point to look for the persistent named site. :return: The value returned by the first successful invocation of `func`. """
[docs]class ISiteMapping(interface.Interface): """ Maps a site name to an alternate site. Useful when we do not want full fledged persistent sites. Should only be used after checking for an existing site. """ source_site_name = TextLine(title=u"The source site name") target_site_name = TextLine(title=u"The target site name") def get_target_site(self): """ Returns the target site as defined by this mapping. :raises a :class:`SiteNotFoundError` object if no site found """